Written by Shalini Gakkar, Sheetal Sharma, Ravi Sahu
February 9, 2024 New Delhi: From October 2022 onwards, India will embark on the world’s fastest rollout of 5G mobile data, with average download speeds approaching 100 megabits per second. Agriculture is one of the sectors that will be affected. Here are his five ways 5G will enable more productive smart farms in India.
Almost half of India’s workforce is engaged in agriculture, but farmers face many obstacles to achieving high productivity and sufficient income. One indicator is that only 40 to 45 percent of farms are mechanized, with some studies highlighting factors such as smaller farms, less access to electricity and credit services, and lower awareness of options. Masu. Digital technologies offer many answers to this problem, as well as better management of scarce natural resources.
Mobile Internet has the transformative potential to connect rural populations and enable technologies such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in remote areas. Compared to previous versions, 5G delivers improved reliability and 25 times faster download speeds needed for connected devices (known as the Internet of Things, or IOT) and new AI applications.
In 2015, the Indian government announced the Digital India initiative. In eight years, he connected 270 million Indians to mobile internet and ushered in the rollout of 5G. The enabling environment has led to a proliferation of agtech startups. Also, one of his many government initiatives includes AgriStack, an open source system that integrates agricultural datasets and connects with individual farmers.
During the India Mobile Congress 2023, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will set up 5G use case labs in 100 educational institutions to study connectivity applications with various technology sectors and position India as a potential player in the upcoming 6G era. We announced that we will position ourselves as a leader.
Also read: Agriculture input industry reacts to Union Budget 2024
(For latest agriculture news and updates, follow Krishak Jagat on Google News)