The semiconductor industry produces chips, microprocessors, and other key hardware components needed to build electronic devices. The rise of 5G networks, which enable faster data speeds and broader connectivity, has created new opportunities for companies specializing in semiconductor design and manufacturing. We’ve compiled a list of the top 5G semiconductor companies working to enable devices to take advantage of innovations in wireless technology.
Top 5G semiconductor companies
- intel
- Qualcomm
- micron technology
5G semiconductor companies you should know about
AMD stands for Advanced Micro Devices, which designs and develops computer processors and the technology that supports them. The company’s products are used in a variety of industries to power servers, workstations, personal computers, and embedded systems. For example, the AMD EPYC platform is designed to serve 5G communications service providers.
Intel is one of the world’s top manufacturers of semiconductors that power computer chips. We specialize in microprocessors for computer systems found in Dell, HP, Lenovo, and Acer computers. CEO Pat Gelsinger has publicly expressed confidence that the global movement toward 5G and digital products will continue to create continued demand for high-quality semiconductors, and that supply chain needs will continue to grow. To meet this demand, the company is building domestic manufacturing plants in Arizona and Ohio.
Qualcomm uses so-called “fabless technology” to manufacture 5G semiconductors for wireless technology. This means the company conducts research and design and outsources manufacturing to dedicated facilities. The company’s semiconductors power the Qualcomm Snapdragon 5G mobile platform, which serves 5G multimode devices and can run on both 5G and older generation connectivity.
Micron Technology makes chips that power 5G-enabled devices, from IoT devices to AI-powered mobile cameras. The company says it expects to significantly increase data access speeds and interconnect a web of technologies and devices being developed in the 5G space. The company operates locations around the world, including multiple manufacturing locations and customer labs.
NXP specializes in connectivity products for embedded applications within devices. The company manufactures technology solutions for automotive, IoT, industrial and communications infrastructure applications, and manufactures many of its own chips in its own factories. NXP 5G Access Edge technology is marketed for smart homes, smart cities, and industrial applications in factories and construction sites.