Nokia has partnered with the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) to focus on researching 6G technology aimed at addressing India’s social needs. The collaboration will be operated from his 6G Lab at Nokia in Bangalore and will explore advances in 6G radio, architecture and AI/ML technology. This research aims to enhance transport safety, healthcare, education, sustainability and contribute to the global 6G ecosystem, while prioritizing India’s specific requirements.
Main highlights:
- Nokia and IISc will conduct joint 6G research at a new 6G lab in Bangalore.
- Research to address critical areas such as transport safety, healthcare, education, and sustainability.
- This partnership supports India’s ambition to become a leader in 6G technology under the ‘Bharat 6G Vision’.
Nokia has announced a strategic partnership with the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) to research next-generation mobile technology 6G and its potential applications in India. The collaboration will take place at Nokia’s new 6G Lab in Bangalore, where it will focus on 6G radio technology development, architectural innovation, machine learning and 6G air interface integration. Its purpose is to build sustainable and efficient communication systems, improve network reliability in critical communications, and leverage AI for social progress.
This initiative is part of Nokia’s broader commitment to India and aims to strengthen India’s role in the global communications landscape. The collaboration with IISc is a first for the lab and will combine Nokia’s technological capabilities with his IISc academic expertise. The two companies plan to collaborate on India’s ‘Bharat 6G Vision’ and aim for India to play a central role in the design, development and implementation of 6G technology.
Nishant Batra, Chief Strategy and Technology Officer, Nokia, highlighted India’s importance in the global telecommunications sector and the goal of making 6G a catalyst for the Indian economy. This partnership is expected to support India’s ambitions in standardization, development and implementation of 6G, with a focus on tailoring his 6G use cases to meet India’s unique needs.
IISc Director Professor Govindan Rangarajan highlighted the institution’s privilege to contribute to India’s leading role in the 6G technology field, in line with the Bharat 6G Vision outlined by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. This partnership represents a major step towards realizing the potential of 6G for social benefit in India and the rest of the world.