On February 22, 2024, Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (“Intercept”) discovered that unauthorized persons had access to confidential information entrusted to it and filed a data breach notification with the Massachusetts Attorney General. has been submitted. In the notice, Intercept stated that this incident allowed unauthorized third parties to access sensitive information such as consumers’ names, Social Security numbers, medical records, financial account information, and driver’s license numbers. It explains. Once Intercept completed its investigation, it began sending data breach notification letters to all individuals whose information was affected by the recent data security incident.
If you receive a data breach notification from Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc., it is important to understand what is at risk and what you can do about it. A data breach attorney can learn more about how to protect yourself from being a victim of fraud and identity theft, and discuss your legal options following an Intercept Pharmaceuticals data breach. For more information, see our recent article on this topic. here.
What caused the Intercept Pharmaceuticals data breach?
The Intercept Pharmaceuticals data breach was only recently announced, and more information is expected to be released in the near future. However, in the early stages of the investigation, documents submitted by Intercept to the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office provide limited information about what led to the breach. According to this source, there has been a data security incident at Intercept. After the discovery, The Intercept launched an investigation to learn more about the incident.
Ultimately, The Intercept’s investigation confirmed that unauthorized parties were able to access certain files containing sensitive consumer information.
After learning that sensitive consumer data was accessible to unauthorized parties, Intercept Pharmaceuticals investigated the compromised files to determine what information was exposed and which consumers were affected. has been identified. Compromised information varies by individual, but may include names, social security numbers, medical records, financial account information, driver’s license numbers, and more.
On February 22, 2024, Intercept Pharmaceuticals sent a data breach letter to everyone affected by a recent data security incident. These letters should provide victims with a list of what information in their possession was compromised.
More information about Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Intercept Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Morristown, New Jersey. Intercept is focused on developing and commercializing therapeutics to treat rare and serious non-viral liver diseases, including primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) and severe alcohol-related hepatitis (sAH). Masu. Currently, Intercept has one of his products on the market. A PBC drug called Ocaliva. Intercept Pharmaceuticals employs more than 341 people and generates approximately $306 million in annual revenue.