Reddit’s “Am I the A**hole” forum is often filled with ignorant spouses. But we may have found the most ignorant of them all. This father who took his wife, who was six months pregnant, on a strenuous hike worried that her wife was becoming a “couch potato” and became angry with her afterwards. She couldn’t keep up with him or his friends and she threw up. Yes, it is.
“Over the weekend, my wife and I went on a hiking trip with some friends. We’ve always been active people, but my wife, who is six months pregnant, has become something of a couch potato for the past few weeks. “It made her gain a little weight and make her grumpy, so I thought it might be good for her and me to exercise,” he wrote.
“Well, I thought I’d picked a pretty easy hike. It’s a trail near our house, and it’s not very long (about 3 miles round trip), but it can be a little steep in places.” We’d done it before, so it wasn’t that surprising. Well, we were about halfway through when my wife started exhaling. My friend started speeding up to match her. It dropped, so I decided to slow down as well. After about half a mile of exhaling and exhaling, my wife looked quite ill. She turned very pale and crouched on one side of the road. I was shocked in a way when I saw her in this condition. She had been freeing herself recently, but I didn’t expect her to lose her strength so quickly. ”
“But after a few minutes, she actually started throwing up, so at this point we all decided to go back. We’re very aware that she’s going to give birth in three months, but if… I can’t help but think that if she had continued her exercise routine, she might not have embarrassed herself in front of her friends. They both ate the same thing for breakfast, and she never got sick. It never happened, so it couldn’t have happened. We went back to the parking lot and apologized to my wife’s friends for her actions. I thought they couldn’t hear me, but apparently she understood everything. I think I heard you.”
Thankfully, his wife let him have it.
“When I got back to the car, she freaked out,” he wrote. “She called me an ‘idiot’ who thought I could carry on at a normal pace and a ‘grade-A piece of shit’ who suggested my wife threw up on purpose. After hearing her vomit, I politely asked her if she thought she would have felt so bad if she hadn’t been a couch potato lately, but she refused to engage with me at all. I wanted her to understand that she was at least partially responsible, but she refused to accept any responsibility. This happened on Saturday, and I’m still really nervous today. She seems to have a grudge against me and I don’t know how to make her stop.”
Wow. upon. bike.
Or rather, where do I start? Personally, I’m still speechless at this man’s ignorance and audacity, so I’ll leave it to the commenters to take this.
“Your wife didn’t let herself go – another human being is growing inside her body and it’s tired! She needs to relax when she’s tired, so she doesn’t go out or go on a hike. You don’t have to because you think she needs it. Also, she’s going to gain weight – it’s not from being a “couch potato”, it’s perfectly healthy. Well, you’d be worried if she wasn’t gaining weight! ! ” The highest rated comment reads: “You owe your wife a serious apology. She didn’t embarrass you. You embarrassed yourself with your own actions!!!” I feel really sad for her, do you have any regrets about the way you treated her? ? ”
Another top comment said, “The reason OP is AH is because of his complete and utter contempt for his life partner for having a child. Raising a child in your own body is exhausting in and of itself.” It’s over. Her “apology” for her “actions” is a bridge too far. It doesn’t matter that she can’t do the same physical work she did before her pregnancy, even if her wife didn’t hear about it. What she says to her friends is definitely a “Class A AH” story. So you’re a huge AH OP. Have some empathy for the person who is bringing your offspring into the world. Hopefully she will raise them to be more appreciative and empathetic than you are. ”
Usually the comments on these posts spark debate, but this one actually accomplished the impossible and united the internet. No one disputes that this man is wrong. He is the worst person and everyone knows it except him.
Well, here’s hoping his wife loses some weight by removing unpleasant thoughts about her husband from her life.