Your home Wi-Fi password unlocks your gateway to the web. And since almost everything we own these days is Internet-enabled, you’ll probably remember your password after connecting dozens of devices. Your router comes with a default Wi-Fi network name (Service Set ID or SSID) and password, often printed somewhere on the router itself or in the included instruction manual. However, for security reasons, we recommend that you change your password regularly.
The main benefit is that it eliminates devices and users (hello!) that shouldn’t be connected to your Wi-Fi. Sure, it’s a little annoying having to reconnect everything, but it’s also an opportunity to reevaluate your network settings. If you have older devices that no longer need to be online, this frees up bandwidth for other devices.
Changing your Wi-Fi password isn’t difficult, but the steps vary depending on your router make and model. I can’t give you step-by-step instructions for every router, but I hope I can point you in the right direction. Note that logging into your router settings in the app or web browser will often also require your router administrator username and password. This is different from your Wi-Fi password, which you may have changed during setup, but it should still be printed on your router or included in your router’s documentation.
If you don’t know your router’s login details, a quick web search for the defaults for your router make and model should help you find the information you need.
Change Wi-Fi password via app

You can change your Eero network password in the app.
Credit: Eero
Many modern routers come with apps to help you manage the device’s setup and configuration. If so, this is the best place to look for options to change your Wi-Fi password.
For example, if you have Eero hardware set up at home, you can change your password through the Eero app for Android or iOS. Tap. setting Select the gear icon (bottom right) and Wi-Fi password and Edit password. Or, if you have a Netgear Nighthawk router, you’ll have installed his Nighthawk app for Android or iOS when you set up your device for the first time. To change your Wi-Fi password, tap WiFi settings Select your network name from the main screen.
We’ll walk you through the process with another app, the Asus app for Android or iOS. In this case you have to tap. settingthen select Wifi, wireless settingsand network settings Find and edit your W-Fi password.
As you can see, if your router has a companion app, the option to change your Wi-Fi password should be in a pretty obvious place. Try finding the settings screen or tapping the name of the network you’re connected to.
Change Wi-Fi password via web browser

AT&T provides a simple web portal where you can sign in.
Credit: Lifehacker
You should be able to change your Wi-Fi password at any time from a tab in your desktop browser, whether or not the app is connected to your router. As with the apps, the details of the process vary, but it’s generally the same for every router.
With your desktop or laptop computer connected to your router via Wi-Fi or a wired connection, open a new browser tab and enter the address of the router on your network. The most common address is something like “” or “”. 0.1 inch Some manufacturers use more friendly URLs, such as “” for TP-Link devices.
The address you need should be printed somewhere on your router or in the manual that came with it. If not, do a web search for your router’s make and model and you should see an address you need to enter at the top of your browser. Typically, you will need to enter the device’s administrator username and password.
Once that’s done, all you need to do is find the right option. Look for the marked heading. Wifi or safety or similar. For example, for an Xfinity router, gateway, connectionand Wifi. On Linksys routers, composition, Wifiand wireless security.
For some routers, such as those from AT&T and Verizon, it is sufficient to sign in to your account on the relevant support page on the web. This is very simple. If all else fails, you can factory reset your router. This will return you to the default credentials for accessing your router and Wi-Fi.