Category: Biology Publication date: August 18, 2022
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Top 50 science questions with surprising answers
Public domain image, source: US Department of Defense
Electromagnetic waves from all mobile phone systems, including 5G systems, are not harmful to humans. All cell phones and cell towers use radio waves for communication. Although radio waves have been used for wireless communication for over 100 years, there is no reliable evidence of adverse health effects. Radio waves from mobile phones do not mutate DNA, do not damage cells, and do not interfere with biological functions in the slightest. Additionally, all objects naturally emit radio waves as part of their regular thermal radiation. The radio waves emitted by a cell phone are physically no different from the radio waves emitted continuously by rocks, trees, desks, or any other physical object. We are constantly exposed to radio waves emitted by rocks, trees, dirt, buildings, pencils, watermelons, physics professors, and more. Moreover, the world has been bathed in these waves since time immemorial, long before the advent of radio antennas. AM/FM music radio stations also use radio waves.
Please note that I already answered this question effectively 10 years ago. You can read my previous answer here. This article is actually almost the same as an article I wrote 10 years ago. I am writing this, albeit redundant article, because of several requests from readers, specifically for him to cover 5G technology. 5G cellular communications networks may have more sophisticated engineering protocols than previous generations of cellular communications networks, but they’re still just using old-fashioned radio waves. “5G” is an abbreviation for 5th generation. 5G radio waves are physically the same as 4G radio waves in terms of overall physical characteristics. The difference is that 5G uses smarter ways to encode and process the information carried by radio waves. Engineering is different, but physics is different.
In general, there are two ways in which electromagnetic radiation can damage living tissues, cells, and functions. One is due to ionization phenomenon and the other is due to global heating.
An ionization event is when a small amount of electromagnetic radiation knocks a single electron away from an atom or molecule. This can break the chemical bond between two atoms or cause the atoms to become reactive ions, breaking the chemical bond. If this happens too much, it can cause mutations, cancer, radiation sickness, and/or tissue damage. However, only ionizing radiation has enough energy per photon to cause an ionizing event. The only forms of electromagnetic radiation that ionize are high-frequency ultraviolet light, X-rays, and gamma rays. Radio waves have too little energy per photon to ionize atoms.we’re not just talking about something low Amount of ionization caused by radio waves.Radio waves precisely cause the cause zero Ionization events of individual atoms or molecules. There is simply too little energy per photon to ionize the atom. In contrast, X-rays, some ultraviolet radiation, and gamma rays have enough energy per photon to cause individual ionization events. Therefore, using his X-ray machine in a dental clinic requires radiation safety procedures, radiation shielding, and a professional trained in radiation safety, whereas sitting on the bench does not require these at all. Things like walking next to rocks or standing on a sidewalk naturally continue to emit radio waves.
Radio waves are non-ionizing, so you can listen to your favorite FM music radio station in your car without the need for radiation safety equipment, radiation safety protocols, or radiation safety trained professionals. Radio waves have much less energy per photon than visible light. If radio waves can cause cancer, the normal visible light emitted by candles is thousands of times more likely to cause cancer. But that’s not the case. They do not have enough energy per photon to ionize. Note that this is all very basic, very well-established, mainstream physics that has been known and verified many times over many decades. I’m not just speculating or sharing an opinion on this.
Another way that electromagnetic radiation affects biological tissue, cells, and function is through bulk heating. Bulk heating does not require high energy per photon. All that is required is that the total strength of the electromagnetic waves be high. Therefore, all forms of electromagnetic radiation, including radio waves, can cause overall heating. This is why the microwave radiation in a microwave oven can heat food even though it has zero chance of causing individual ionization or carcinogenesis. Global heating from non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation also causes you to feel warmer when standing near a campfire. Campfires emit radio waves and infrared radiation strong enough to warm you. If your cell phone signal was strong enough to heat your body considerably, it would be no different than warming yourself by a campfire.
In fact, bulk heating can damage biological tissues by burning them. However, the total intensity of the radio waves must be very high to cause burns and damage tissue. The radio waves used by cell phones, AM/FM radio channels, WIFI, and all other forms of wireless communication are too weak to cause burns. Furthermore, the radio waves that actually exist are is high enough Gross intensities that cause physical burns due to bulk heating are unlikely and rare. This results in almost every type of burn that the average person encounters. Sunburn, scald burns, toaster burns, iron burns, electric shock burns, acid burns, heater burns, and overheated appliance burns.teeth do not have This is caused by radio waves.
The amount of radio waves that 5G communications equipment emits into the air is a drop in the bucket compared to the radio waves already in the air from other sources. Furthermore, unlike the early stages of cancer or radiation poisoning, physical burns caused by bulk heating from electromagnetic waves cause immediate pain and immediately trigger people to move away from the source. If the radio waves from a 5G phone were strong enough to cause burns (which they aren’t), it would be similar to touching a hot iron and getting burned. You’ll probably let go before you do any major damage. Non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation can heat and burn tissue only in a non-specific bulk material manner. And individual changes cannot be made at the cellular or molecular level.
Note that the atoms and molecules that make up cells, cell parts, fluids, and other biological materials actually interact through electromagnetic interactions. In fact, all chemical bonds and reactions are ultimately caused by the influence of electromagnetic fields. However, atoms and molecules in biological materials interact through atomic-scale electrostatic fields, which are completely different from radio waves.
Surprisingly, some people fervently feel that 5G signals are harmful to humans, despite the lack of any reliable evidence or physical plausibility. Some believe that the secret purpose of introducing 5G technology is to harm humans. The problem with this type of conspiracy theory (i.e., widespread contamination of public space by conspiratorial organizations) is that political and technical leaders are also humans and use public space. If those responsible for implementing 5G technology were indeed transmitting harmful electromagnetic waves into public spaces, they would be harming themselves, their children, and even their loved ones. Sure, there may be a few evil people or mentally ill people who are willing to harm themselves and their loved ones while harming others, but virtually every political party at every level and in every country It is foolish to think that leaders and technical leaders are willing to do harm. themselves and their loved ones.
To summarize, 5G mobile phone systems use radio waves to transmit information. These radio waves are non-ionizing and pose no harm to humans as they are too weak to cause burns.