Fort Payne – Gov. Kay Ivey visited DeKalb Regional Medical Center Friday as the fifth stop on her statewide broadband tour, where she discussed progress on broadband projects in DeKalb and Jackson counties.
“Broadband accessibility plays an important role in our daily lives. One is bridging the gap between patients and healthcare providers, allowing them to provide timely care through telehealth services. Through the hard work of partners like Farmers Telecommunications and efforts like the Alabama Broadband Accessibility Fund, we are bridging the digital divide across our state.” said Governor Ivey. “Our investments will not only strengthen health care delivery, but also strengthen every daily necessity, industry and community by delivering a more connected Alabama.”
Today’s event included Governor Ivey, Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) Director Kenneth Boswell, Alabama House Speaker Nathaniel Ledbetter (R-Rainsville), and Alabama Senate Majority Leader Steve Livingston. (R-Scottsboro), Huntsville Hospital Health System, was present. CEO Jeff Sams.
Speakers noted $16.7 million in grants and matching funds for six completed broadband projects and two projects currently underway. Once all eight projects are complete, more than 4,330 currently unserved addresses in DeKalb and Jackson counties will be able to connect. Additionally, the overall success of the Alabama Broadband Accessibility Fund (ABAF) was discussed.
ABAF is funded by the Alabama Legislature and supports targeted projects in communities that need high-speed internet access. These funds, awarded by Governor Ivey and administered by ADECA, will allow internet service providers to undertake projects that connect households, businesses, community anchor institutions such as libraries and schools to broadband infrastructure. It will look like this.
Since 2018, Alabama has invested approximately $82 million from the state budget through grants supporting more than 100 projects through the Alabama Broadband Accessibility Fund. Once all Alabama Broadband Accessibility Fund projects awarded to date are completed, more than 72,000 Alabama households, businesses and community agencies that currently do not have the option to subscribe will have access to broadband service.
“I am proud of the work being done to expand high-speed internet access to every corner of our state, especially in DeKalb and Jackson counties, which we celebrate here today.” Speaker of the House Nathaniel Ledbetter said: “We have consistently closed the digital divide for thousands of Alabamians by making targeted investments where they have the greatest impact. Connectivity is key to thriving, and we will continue to support the expansion of high-speed internet until all Alabamians have the access they need and deserve.”
“Our progress in expanding broadband and increasing access to high-speed internet for residents of DeKalb and Jackson counties is revolutionary.” Senate Majority Leader Steve Livingston said: “Thanks to the tireless efforts of Governor Ivey, the Alabama Legislature, and ADECA, communities like ours across the state are making real progress on this issue, and I look forward to continuing to work on this critical need.” We look forward to working with them. These investments will not only have an immediate impact, but will also benefit future generations.”
“Our continued progress in expanding high-speed internet access would not be possible without a unified team working hard every day to achieve the state’s broadband goals.” said Coach Boswell. “This team includes Governor Ivey, the Alabama Legislature, internet service providers, and countless others to ensure Alabama residents and communities have the tools they need to thrive. We are working together to put it in.”
Alabamians interested in learning more about Alabama’s efforts to expand high-speed internet access are encouraged to visit the Be Linked Alabama website, a hub for internet expansion information and news. The site, available at, includes the Alabama Broadband Map, county profiles and dashboards, and statewide broadband news.
Be Linked Alabama represents the state’s concerted effort to expand access to affordable, reliable, high-speed internet. As Alabama works toward achieving its goal of providing high-speed internet access for all, this statewide effort is coordinated by his ADECA and is a collaboration between Governor Ivey, the Alabama Legislature, internet service providers, and research. agencies, utility companies, community leaders and the public.