Directed by visionary Fred de Ponchara, the promotion immerses viewers in a fascinating story set against the backdrop of Japan’s bustling capital. Opening with a breathtaking aerial view of the city skyline, the scene quickly shifts to a heart-pounding moment when a young woman loosens her tie and leaps from a towering skyscraper. As the camera widens its focus, Booba appears, sitting proudly in a bright kimono, clutching her black umbrella with an air of mystery…
Seamlessly blending live-action sequences with surreal visual effects, de Ponchara expertly transports audiences through a series of suspenseful stunts, shocking fight scenes, and unforgettable visuals that leave viewers suspenseful and mesmerized at the same time. I will guide you. From the intricate beauty of geisha masks to the chilling intensity of unexpected developments, this promotion offers a cinematic experience like no other.
Mr+Positive Tokyo, a renowned production services company known for its dedication to excellence, provided essential on-site support for the seamless execution of the production. Mr+Positive Tokyo was responsible for everything from casting and location scouting to set decoration and stunt coordination, ensuring Booba’s creative vision was realized with unparalleled reliability and accuracy.
Peter Grasse, founding producer of Mr+, reflected on this collaboration and expressed his eagerness to work with respected talent from both France and Japan. “It was an honor to collaborate with such great directors and cinematographers,” said Grasse. “The Japanese team is thrilled with the final result and proud to have contributed to realizing this vision. That’s positive!”
With “6G”, Buba and his visionary team have not only created a fascinating musical masterpiece, but also inspired imaginations that transcended borders and left an indelible mark on audiences around the world. It also created a visual spectacle.