In 2023, Boston Scientific adopted 5G connectivity services that allow cardiologists to interact with holographic replicas of patients’ hearts through augmented reality (AR). 5G AR not only creates the perfect environment for training new surgeons, but also supports live surgery. This is just one example of potential use cases for next-generation connectivity.
Meanwhile, in China, Unicom Guangdong is already combining 5G with multi-access edge computing (MEC) to provide low-latency, high-bandwidth connectivity for manufacturing industries. Currently, this supports more than 1,000 of his small and medium-sized enterprises in Foshan. As a result, most companies have increased productivity and equipment efficiency while reducing waste and lowering costs.

Vodafone is working with businesses across Europe to explore how 5G connectivity technology can improve lives and drive growth. What is clear is that deploying these technologies at scale will require widespread 5G connectivity in Europe, as is already being deployed in China and the United States. And therein lies the challenge.

Product of poor investment environment
Although the European Commission reports 5G coverage of more than 80%, Europe is still far from achieving its 10-year 5G connectivity target. The rollout of 5G standalone (5GSA), the “real 5G” that uses advanced equipment in the network core and antennas, has been significantly delayed.

An independent investigation revealed just how bad the situation really is. Globally, no European country ranks in the top 10 for 5G availability. A chasm is opening between Europe and competing regions such as China and the United States. We live in a future where EU citizens and businesses are denied access to emerging technologies and digital services because of where they are based. is at risk.
A fundamental challenge is the lack of private investment available for 5GSA infrastructure. This is a multi-billion euro funding gap caused by Europe’s poor digital investment environment.
A fundamental challenge is the lack of private investment available for 5GSA infrastructure. This is a multi-billion euro funding gap caused by Europe’s poor digital investment environment. Europe’s leading CEOs sounded the alarm in a recent European Industry Roundtable (ERT) research report. More than 80% of them believe that Europe’s competitiveness is weakening, citing factors such as a complex regulatory environment, competing industrial policies among EU member states, and exposure to geopolitical tensions. It is being Investor confidence in Europe remains low, as evidenced by the sharp decline in inward foreign direct investment since 2018/19.

Restoring Europe’s competitiveness should be a key priority for the EU and member state governments. Increasing productivity, or the efficiency with which goods and services are produced in the economy, must be a central focus. EU leaders and policymakers have a significant opportunity to boost productivity and growth through digitalisation.
EU leaders and policymakers have a significant opportunity to boost productivity and growth through digitalisation.
Connectivity could lead to course correction

In the mid-1990s, a surge in demand for computer hardware production and related services (often referred to as the “ICT revolution”) was one of the main drivers of productivity growth in Europe, and even more so in the United States.
Europe is currently in the midst of its next major productivity increase. This is driven by next-generation connectivity, or 5GSA, and the digital transformation it enables businesses.
In manufacturing, where Europe is already a leader, the potential global impact of digitalization is estimated to be up to $2 trillion each year. Just as 4G unlocked the mobile internet for consumers, 5GSA will unlock the industrial internet, transforming communication between machines and taking the industrial internet of things from fantasy to reality. and allows you to evolve.

While large manufacturers may continue to build mobile private 5G networks and bespoke in-factory solutions, small businesses will need to rely on publicly available 5GSAs to access similar innovation opportunities. .

For farmers and rural residents, next-generation connectivity will help improve crop yields, support sustainability, and increase opportunities to work remotely or flexibly in jobs previously limited to urban dwellers. will play an important role.
In healthcare, connectivity can immediately benefit patients through telemedicine and remote services, while enabling new applications (such as 5G AR training for new cardiologists) to be delivered at scale.

There’s still everything to play
The true impact of digitalization on our economy and society will depend on the speed of its adoption. We are talking about an opportunity of 1 trillion euros for Europe, which depends mainly on the success of the industrial Internet. The industrial internet is a machine integrated with smart sensors, software, AI, and the cloud, all enabled by the speed and low-latency capabilities of 5GSA.
The true impact of digitalization on our economy and society will depend on the speed of its adoption.
Mobile phone companies are expected to invest heavily in building future 5G networks, but Europe continues to lag behind. Only through regulatory changes will we move to a situation where we will be able to attract the necessary investment and allow carriers to quickly deploy his 5GSA. Perhaps Breton’s next white paper, due later this month, may provide the compass needed to guide such a course correction.
In the meantime, a new report from Vodafone examines the role next-generation connectivity, and the digital products, services and applications it enables, can play in boosting Europe’s competitiveness.
You can read it here: Why communication is important — A trillion euro opportunity (vodafone.com) >