A small 5G wireless facility on top of an existing wooden pole, Lavallette, New Jersey, May 2023 (Photo: Shorebeat)
Beach park officials from two decision-making bodies will be tasked with determining the placement of mobile communications equipment within the town.
In the short term, next week the Borough Planning Commission will hear testimony from New York SMSA Limited Partnership, a Verizon subsidiary, asking the commission for permission to install two 5G antennas on public property in the Borough. become. town.
Verizon requests arrays be located at 74 O Street and 13 J Street. Both properties are single-family homes, and although there are no existing utility poles on either site, there are existing utility poles almost across the street from both properties. The conference announcement does not detail exactly what equipment the company is proposing to install. This testimony will be given at the meeting.
“Verizon is coming to explain the 5G node because there was some pushback,” City Councilman William Craft said.
The Planning Commission’s public hearing will be held on Tuesday, June 27 at 6pm in the council chambers above the borough’s police headquarters.
The long-term decision will set lease rates for water tower space in the borough as contracts that have existed for the better part of 20 years (in some cases) come to an end. This decision rests with the district council, whose members, in consultation with experts, determine the market value of the rental.
There are now separate contracts that have been in effect for many years, each with different terms and escalator clauses.
“We’ve been on the rise for the last 20 years, and the first construction is scheduled for late summer,” Mayor John Peterson said. “Our job is to ensure that the new agreement is commensurate with current interest rates.”
“Sprint doesn’t do it anymore, AT&T is going to do it, and Verizon has its antennas up there,” he added.