South Korea remains a 5G pioneer
As the first country to deploy 5G technology on a large scale, South Korea continues to rank highly in various indicators. Domestic 5G users spend the most time connecting to his 5G network in this region, followed by Singapore and Taiwan. Moreover, South Korea boasts the best 5G performance in the Asia-Pacific region, surpassed only by Malaysia. Both countries have major cities in terms of 5G performance, with Seoul having the fastest download speeds and Kuala Lumpur the fastest upload speeds among the major cities in the region.
Recent hires are catching up quickly
APAC is set to become one of the world’s largest 5G markets by 2025. This is mainly due to the rapid growth of some markets in South Asia and Southeast Asia. Even though India and Malaysia have deployed 5G technology by the end of 2022, they have already surpassed the long-established 5G markets in APAC and Europe. While 5G availability and reach may still be low, both countries rank among the top four for median 5G download speeds across APAC in 2023, with Delhi and Mumbai also It is doing well in urban areas. Meanwhile, Malaysia’s neighbor in Southeast Asia, the Philippines, has more than 100 cities with 5G coverage, the fourth-highest number in the world.
Apart from network providers, 5G deployment and large-scale adoption must be supported and accelerated by political groups. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is playing a major role in the region’s increasingly strong 5G performance across Southeast Asian markets, with the political and economic union highlighting 5G technology as one of the core foundations of the region’s digital infrastructure. This is because
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