Traditional chips used microwave filters to block signals in the wrong frequency range. In light-based chips, adding microwave photonic filters allows components to be fine-tuned to connect to signals at specific frequencies. This is very important because it allows the component to obtain more accurate information.
In 2019, then-President Donald Trump tweeted about 6G in the United States.
Ben Eggleton, Vice-Chancellor (Research) at the University of Sydney, said: “Microwave photonic filters play an important role in modern communications and radar applications, offering the flexibility to precisely filter different frequencies. “It reduces electromagnetic interference and improves signal quality.” ,”
According to the Global Systems for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA), 6G must operate at higher frequencies in the range of 7 GHz to 15 GHz. This is where the use of photonics comes into play. Because photonics allows mobile devices to operate in millimeter wave bands above 30 GHz.
Again, these prototype communications chips offer much higher RF bandwidth capabilities and use microwave photonic filters to eliminate high-band interference. This is important because high-band frequencies only travel short distances but have more energy. Capacity that usually causes interference.