This section is a collocate and concordance analysis of the keywords under the four themes that play a role in representing 5G. The aim of the analysis is two-fold: to compare how 5G discourse is represented in the two corpora and to unravel the socio-political motivations behind their particular ways of representation. It is noted that the word 5G with digits in it is unrecognizable in WordSmith’s collocate listing. Hence, we used FiveG to replace 5G in the original text file to make it recognizable in Tables 5–7 and Figs. 6, 7 below. The following analyses tackle each theme in turn.
The nature of 5G
In Table 3, it is unsurprising to find keywords straightly signifying the mobile wireless technologies, including 5G, 4G and 6G in CC and 5G, 4G and 3G in BC. Both corpora share keywords underlining the typically technical natures of 5G, including Internet, broadband, download, telecommunication, tech(nologies), telecoms, wireless and ecosystem in CC, and cyber, broadband, telecoms, Internet, airwaves, mobile and tech in BC. 5G, by definition, is a technology featuring extended bandwidth, high speed, high capacity, low power consumption, low latency, faster download and large-scale connectivity (Liu et al., 2020). These inherent properties of 5G are addressed in both corpora, as revealed by superfast, connectivity and latency in CC, and download and connectivity in BC.
5G is the most key and frequent word denoting the nature of 5G in both corpora. To unfold how 5G is evaluated by each corpus, we investigated the 10 most frequent evaluative adjectival, nominal and verbal collocates of 5G at the L1 position (see Table 4). This method can help to explore how the predication strategies are realized by identifying the collocates that “appear in stereotypical evaluative attribution of positive or negative traits and implicit or explicit predicates” (Meyer, 2001, p. 27).
Due to the influential role of Huawei in 5G development and the journalistic value of geographical proximity to the targeted audiences, it is common to find collocates China’s and Huawei’s in CC and Britain’s, UK’s and Huawei(’s) in BC. Moreover, both corpora cover a string of adjectives and nouns denoting degree and magnitude, demonstrating their differing attitudes towards 5G. CC endorses completely positive attitudes towards 5G, as revealed by collocates first, million, largest and superfast. A collocation analysis of first 5G at the R2 position finds that the most frequent collocates of this cluster are smartphone (25), network (12), phone (12), remote (surgery) (8) and chipset (7). It suggests that CC underlines the breakthroughs created by 5G and its wide applications in smartphones and healthcare. A collocation analysis of million 5G at the R2 position shows that it most frequently collocates with users (34), subscribers (27), mobile (23), smartphones (21) and connections (17), evincing CC’s great attention to the rapid popularization of 5G. A collocation analysis of largest 5G at the R2 position shows that it mostly collocates with world’s (68), market (39), network (14), field (14) and test (13), showing CC’s emphasis on China’s leadership role in 5G. The collocates commercial, commercialize and superfast in Table 4 suggest CC’s emphasis on 5G commercial use and its high-speed feature.
In BC, similarly, the most frequent collocates of first 5G at the R2 position are network (6), iPhone (6), UK’s (4), handsets (3) and available (2), indicating 5G’s broad applications in the smartphone industry. However, the collocates anti and linking, which rank fourth and tenth respectively in Table 4, uncover the negative perceptions of 5G. The most frequent collocates of anti 5G at the R2 position are groups (8), Facebook (4), protesters (3), group (3) and protests (2). The most frequent collocates of linking 5G at the R2 position are COVID (3), coronavirus (2), technology (2) and health (2). As seen from the further concordance analyses of anti 5G and linking 5G in Figs. 1 and 2, reports about anti-5G protesters and conspiracy theories linking 5G to coronavirus have received lots of attention in BC.

The sample concordance lines of anti 5G in BC.

The sample concordance lines of linking 5G in BC.
Thus, the image of 5G is constructed differently in the two corpora. CC constructs an utterly positive image of 5G, devoting more attention to its largescale, influential and trustworthy role, its commercialization and its widespread applications. In contrast, despite the reference to the fast feature of 5G, BC also focuses on the misinformation and conspiracy theories linking 5G to COVID-19. In doing so, scientific uncertainties and controversies concerning 5G are induced in BC, which is shaped by and may in turn impact public perceptions of 5G. Such uncertainties and controversies arise from a conflict of opinions or contradictory media reports (Retzbach and Maier, 2015) around the benefits and risks of 5G, such as the extensive description of anti-5G activities (lines 1–9 in Fig. 1), social media commentary linking 5G to health and coronavirus (lines 1, 4 and 7 in Fig. 2) and the rebuttals of the false claims (line 10 in Fig. 1 and lines 2–3, 5–6 and 8–10 in Fig. 2).
Of the 18 instances of linking 5G, 16 concordance lines point to the negation of the false claims or conspiracy narratives, suggesting the perception of countering disinformation around 5G is dominant in BC and the critical role of the government during this process (lines 2 and 7–8 in Fig. 2). Nonetheless, the warning narratives concerning countering misinformation and conspiracy theories may be ineffective or even counterproductive, especially those with bland rebuttals and inexplicit explanations (Ross et al., 2018). We further inspected the 16 instances of linking 5G denoting the negation or warning narratives about conspiracy claims linking 5G and coronavirus. Results show that all 16 instances are just simple warnings or negations without specific advice to audiences on how to act. Considering the Streisand effect, the publicity of these narratives may lead to growing attention to such content as a result of endeavoring to curb it (Chipidza and Yan, 2022). Put differently, the frequent mention of false claims about 5G in BC could render such false claims newsworthy, make individuals more convinced of their beliefs and further escalate uncertainty rather than prove the veracity of a claim. After all, 5G conspiracy theories are newsworthy in themselves, since “people enjoy conspiracy theories, preferring them to bland reports about science and mundane politics” (Machin, 2022, p. 22).
The social actor Huawei
A constellation of social actors is involved in developing, testing and deploying 5G, including operators, equipment vendors, government and other related stakeholders. As Table 3 shows, the subsequent three sub-categories are classified under the category social actors, including telecom operators and equipment suppliers, countries, cities, institutions, government officials and corporate executives. The technical nature of 5G contributes to the significant role of telecom operators and equipment suppliers among all social actors. In Table 3, both corpora pay attention to respective telecom operators in their countries, such as (China) Unicom, (China) Mobile and (China) Telecom in CC, and O2, Vodafone and BT in BC. Meanwhile, they focus on a range of worldwide equipment suppliers, such as Huawei, ZTE, Qualcomm, Nokia, Ericsson, Samsung and OPPO in CC, and Oneplus, Google, Qualcomm, Nokia, Ericsson and Samsung in BC. Huawei ranks second in the keyword list of each corpus in Table 2 and first among all keywords denoting social actors in Table 3, demonstrating that Huawei forms a staple part of media coverage of 5G in either corpus. Moreover, the frequent occurrence of 5G’s two collocates Huawei and Huawei’s in Table 4 suggests that 5G is typically represented by Huawei in either corpus. Indeed, Huawei functions as the sole entity capable of manufacturing “at scale and cost” all components of a 5G network (Kaska et al., 2019). Thus, we chose Huawei as one main research object for further scrutiny, with a particular focus on the two corpora’s competing ways of portraying it.
Table 5 outlines the 15 most frequent collocates of Huawei* at the L5-R5 position in both corpora and the six categories these collocates are classified into. It is unsurprising to find collocates bound up with Huawei-related actors and 5G’s technical nature in both corpora, occupying 86.25% (in CC) and 69.88% (in BC) of all occurrences of the 15 most frequent collocates. The collocate giant, which points to the leading and technologically advanced role of Huawei in the telecom industry (3.09%), is unique to CC, casting a positive tone in Huawei’s image. In contrast, the category related to the British decision to allow Huawei a role in building part of its 5G network (22.12%) and the category about 5G security (8.00%) are unique to BC.
A concordance analysis of Huawei-decision (see Fig. 3) points to Britain’s changing attitudes towards Huawei, from a decision to allow Huawei’s involvement in its 5G network building (lines 1–2, 8–9, 12 and 14) to the reverse of that decision (lines 3–6, 10 and 15). Besides, the frequent occurrence of the US and its government officials and companies in Fig. 3 (lines 2, 5–6, 9 and 13) demonstrates the role of the US in influencing Britain’s changing decisions, such as Britain’s consideration for the US-Britain relations (line 2), the US ban on Huawei (lines 5 and 13) and the US’ pressure to ban Huawei from Britain (lines 6 and 9).

The sample concordance lines of Huawei-decision in BC.
The role of the US in impacting Britain’s decisions and the triangular nature of the US-Britain-China relationship concerning 5G are further accentuated through the concordance analysis of Huawei-security (see Fig. 4), such as the US antagonism towards Huawei (line 5) and the labeling of Huawei as a security danger or risk by the US (lines 1–2, 4, 6–9, 12 and 15). Figure 4 also indicates that the discursive strategy of negative out-group representation is used in BC to construct Huawei as a security risk, whether by Britain (lines 1, 10–11 and 13) or the US (lines 2, 4 and 6–9).

The sample concordance lines of Huawei-security in BC.
The concordance analyses above show that BC attempts to ascribe the British decision to the pressure from the US, through which Britain is set out as one playing field in the US-China dispute over technology companies and 5G. It was alleged that the British government privately told Huawei that geopolitical factors were instrumental in their decision on banning Huawei’s 5G, particularly the intense pressure from President Donald Trump (Helm, 2020). This consistency can be perceived as the ideological alignment of the British press with the government. Likewise, this underpins the finding that Huawei in BC is depicted more as an incendiary geopolitical topic than a technical or security concern. Political inclusion is implicitly attributed to the US legitimized as an in-group, and political exclusion to China justified as an out-group. As a result, the image of Huawei should be understood in a geopolitical sense, equating Huawei as a symbol for its home country of China and its 5G as a geopolitical battleground. This finding resonates with Mansell and Plantin’s (2020) argument that the British press constructs Huawei as a problem with very few positive mentions of Huawei and 5G. A comparison of the frequency of Huawei (1884 instances for CC and 2901 instances for BC) reveals that BC significantly overuses Huawei compared to CC (LL = 26.54, p < 0.0001, log ratio = 0.22). LL value over 15.13 indicates that the difference is statistically significant at the level of p < 0.0001 (see the scale of significance level at the above UCREL website). This finding suggests that compared to CC, BC prefers to center its 5G-related narratives on Huawei which is presented as a negative label. This stands in notable contrast with CC where Huawei is portrayed more as a positive and trustworthy company by using the discursive strategy of positive self-representation.
Furthermore, the frequent mentioning of the pressure from the US and its sanctions on Huawei, in a sense, has some meaning entailments that are not explicitly expressed by the British press. That is, the British press does not want to assume full responsibility for explicitly asserting that Huawei’s 5G poses security risks on account of communicative reasons, for instance, because they do not want to make enemies of Chinese recipients or telecom operators. These not explicitly spelled out meaning implications can be taken as “a form of self-protection or positive self-presentation” (van Dijk, 2008, p. 184). Here, argumentation strategies, particularly “shifting the blame” and “scapegoating” strategies, are used to shift the responsibility associated with Britain to the US. These strategies can help legitimize and justify the British government’s behavior of removing Huawei from its 5G networks.
Actions concerning 5G
The keywords denoting actions about 5G in Table 3 reveal the development, application and deployment of 5G. The shared keyword rollout indicates the emphasis on the active 5G rollout and deployment in both corpora. Actions concerning 5G industries commonly happen in three segments: the upstream referring to research and development, investment and production of components like 5G and chips; the midstream referring to infrastructure construction like 5G networks and supercomputing centers; and the downstream referring to applications and services (Zhang, 2023, p. 820). Keywords denoting 5G upstream merely occur in CC, such as trillion and yuan. Instead, both corpora encompass keywords denoting 5G midstream (networks and infrastructure in CC and masts in BC) and downstream (smartphone(s), commercialize(-ation), gaming, healthcare and licenses in CC and smartphone(s) and driverless in BC).
All keywords denoting 5G downstream in both corpora indicate their emphasis on 5G applications in civilian/commercial domains, such as in fields of smartphones, gaming, healthcare and driverless cars, as revealed by smartphone(s), gaming and healthcare in CC and smartphone(s) and driverless in BC. Keywords commercialize(-ation) and licenses, though not literally denoting concrete application fields, reflect CC’s focus on 5G commercialization and granting of 5G licenses for commercial applications.
To examine the two corpora’s differences in representing 5G actions in the upstream and midstream, we retrieved the 10 most frequent collocates at the L5-R5 position of networks, infrastructure, trillion and yuan in CC and masts in BC (see Table 6). The following findings were observed by analyzing the collocates denoting actions in Table 6. First, the two collocates investment and invest of keywords trillion and yuan suggest CC’s particular attention to 5G upstream investments. Second, networks and infrastructure in CC frequently collocate with words reflecting positive actions concerning 5G midstream infrastructure construction, such as build, construction and building. Quite the contrary, masts in BC tends to collocate with words indicating negative actions, namely attacks on 5G masts, such as attacks, arson and attacked.
In comparison, there exist similarities and differences between the two corpora concerning the representation of actions about 5G. Some macro-level socio-political, economic, and ideological factors could be interweaved to explain such similarities and differences reflected at the micro-level language analysis. Both corpora accentuate 5G downstream applications in civil/commercial domains, which is unsurprising since 5G commercialization applications are instrumental in boosting economic growth (Zhang, 2023). Instead, CC puts more weight on comprehensive actions in the 5G upstream investments, midstream infrastructure construction and downstream applications, whereas BC focuses solely on the latter two aspects. This finding can be explained by the 5G development landscape and practices in China and Britain. China, as a global leader in 5G, has been seeking a balanced and comprehensive 5G development covering upstream, midstream and downstream segments (Zhang, 2023). Britain, despite being one of the first countries to begin implementing 5G commercially, is in danger of falling behind due to limited investments and its early dependence and later ban on Huawei (Sugiura et al., 2023).
Moreover, although both corpora mention the action concerning 5G midstream, their representations vary. CC focuses on positive-tone 5G infrastructure construction, whereas BC is more concerned with the arson attacks on 5G masts driven by coronavirus conspiracies. China Daily, as one important window for the world to understand China, tends to put a positive spin on the country (Wang, 2018). BC’s emphasis on reports on 5G arson attacks on 5G masts owed more to the lack of social acceptance of 5G in Britain during the pandemic (Meese et al., 2020) and Britain’s decision to ban 5G under the political pressure from the US (Parker et al., 2020).
Timing: years and the COVID-19 era
Unsurprisingly, keywords denoting the years 2018–2022 occur in either corpus, since 2018 marks the year when countries like the US, Canada and Australia banned Huawei from their 5G mobile networks. In contrast, the unexpected occurrence of the future year 2025 is unique to CC in Table 3. A concordance analysis of 2025 (see Fig. 5) provides a strong indication of the optimistic forecasts concerning 5G, such as the huge economic and employment rewards created by 5G between 2021 and 2025 (line 26), China’s becoming the world’s largest 5G market before 2025 (lines 27, 33 and 35), China’s significant 5G capital expenditure and investments before 2025 (lines 28, 32 and 34), and the great number of 5G users and connections by 2025 (lines 29–31). Results show that CC characterizes 5G as an economically beneficial technology receiving proactive support from the Chinese government and takes 5G as a symbol of its rise in the global ICT sectors and a source of China’s national pride. From a CDS perspective, the way of representing the year 2025 in CC is positioned as an expression of social practice concerning China and its 5G development. Following one Deloitte (2018) report, China has made more tremendous strides in 5G investment and capacity development than other countries.

The sample concordance lines of 2025 in CC.
Apart from the years mentioned above, both corpora embrace some keywords denoting the era of COVID-19. To explore the 5G/COVID-19 relationship at greater depth, we further analyzed the collocates of COVID at the L5-R5 position (Table 7). The collocate 5G in Table 7 shows that both corpora establish an intimate relationship between 5G and COVID-19. Instead, a close concordance analysis of COVID and its collocate 5G (see Figs. 6 and 7) shows that they differ in construing the 5G/COVID-19 relationship.

The concordance lines of COVID–5G in CC.

The sample concordance lines of COVID–5G in BC.
As Fig. 6 shows, CC devotes more care to how to deploy 5G to fight against COVID-19 (lines 2 and 4) and China’s leading role in 5G development despite the COVID-19 pandemic (lines 3 and 5–8), which can be reinforced by the collocate fight in Table 7. Nevertheless, regarding BC, the keyword misinformation in Table 3 and the collocates conspiracy, claims, theories, linked and link in Table 7 demonstrate that the COVID-19 theme in BC is more concerned with the conspiracy theories or claims linking 5G technology and coronavirus, which can also be evidenced by the concordance lines of COVID–5G in BC (Fig. 7, lines 1–10).
In order to probe into how the 5G conspiracy claims pertain to COVID-19 in BC, we thoroughly surveyed the concordance lines of 5G-COVID, 5G-coronavirus and 5G-virus. The following five extracts from the aforementioned concordance analyses are representatives of 5G-conspiracy claims in BC. The 5G-health conspiracy is that 5G causes the symptoms of COVID-19 (Extracts (1)-(2)); the 5G-vaccine conspiracy is that 5G technology is used to track the population through vaccines containing computer chips (Extract (3)); and the 5G-Wuhan-coronavirus conspiracy is expressed by blaming Wuhan’s 5G construction for the COVID-19 outbreak (Extracts (4)-(5)). With this, it is found that the 5G conspiracy claims about COVID-19, especially about its origin and spread, are mainly made with two strains, namely constructing 5G as an issue causing adverse health effects and as an intentional mind-control tool.
“… the symptoms of coronavirus are caused by residing near a 5G mast.
(The Guardian, 2020/04/04)
When it comes to blaming 5G for the Covid-19 pandemic, a conspiracy …: 5G can lead to “flu-like symptoms”, …
(The Daily Telegraph, 2021/08/16)
coronavirus pandemic is cover for a global plot to install 5G mobile phone masts, track the world’s population through vaccines …
(The Guardian, 2021/06/28)
… the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the virus is thought to have originated, was one of the first places to receive 5G masts.
(The Times, 2020/04/07)
… there could be a connection between Wuhan having 5G and the coronavirus outbreak, …, 5G is a tool for mind control.
(The Times, 2021/05/14)”
Despite the identification of COVID-19 discourse in either corpus, the 5G/COVID-19 relationship is constructed differently in the two corpora. CC predominantly revolves around the technical nature of 5G in the COVID-19 context and the benefits it creates for COVID-19 containment. In contrast, BC prevalently reports the negative aspects of 5G, particularly the 5G/COVID-19 conspiracies. Looking beyond the conspiracy claims to a set of larger, underlying and motivating geopolitical concerns, these conspiracies make 5G negatively connotated as a dangerous or untrustworthy issue in the COVID-19 context. Moreover, they have provoked increasing scepticism over public health institutions and measures, as reflected by anti (107, 0.26‰), the fourth collocate of 5G in BC. The most frequent collocates of anti at the R1 position are 5G (37), Huawei (10), government (7), lockdown (7) and vaccine (6), unveiling the intricately intertwined environment of anti-5G, anti-Huawei, anti-government, anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine. Contrastingly, anti (8, 0.03‰) rarely occurs in CC. A comparison of the frequency of anti in the two corpora yielded a log ratio of 3.34 (LL = 75.88, p < 0.0001), indicating that the occurrence of likelihood is more than 8 times more common in BC compared to CC. BC’ significant overuse substantiates its focus on scepticism towards 5G.
Such differences can be attributed to various socio-economic and political contexts in which the Chinese and British press operate. Understandably, the positive self-representation strategy is employed in CC to foreground the promising and socio-economically profitable nature of 5G since Huawei, a global leader in providing 5G technology, is a China-based company (Cheng and Liu, 2022). The emergence and prevalence of the 5G/COVID-19 conspiracy in BC need to be interpreted within a more complicated and wider domestic and international context. As Bruns et al. (2022, p. 26) argue, the 5G/COVID-19 conspiracy itself is “a product of the collision of long-standing conspiracist beliefs about the supposed health dangers of 5G, as well as about vaccines, global elites, China and other well-established targets of suspicion”. It is also germane to Britain’s policies and decisions about 5G, which drew considerable public attention towards 5G and amplified the circulation of 5G/COVID-19 conspiracy (Bruns et al., 2022, p. 18). For instance, the articles on Facebook surrounding the 5G/COVID-19 conspiracy emerged when the British government made a major policy decision (Kleinman, 2020), allowing Huawei to participate in developing Britain’s 5G network.