It’s not true
In 2024, many people will be a little skeptical of images widely shared on social media, wondering if they are AI rather than works of art, or fake celebrity reveal photos rather than authentic. I think I’m used to that. An unfortunate side effect of AI is that even actual photographs and works of art are subject to scrutiny without the use of AI.
But even as critics denounce AI fakes as either obvious or bad, they are becoming… less obvious and more bad. No, not “AI prompts are actually an art!!!” , but instead it means, “My brain is really messed up by this.” And I’m not sure if I’ve seen a better example recently than what happened in the photo above (the “Photo”) of Wolverine’s hood allegedly from Deadpool 3.
this image widely shared on social media In the past few days, there was no scrutiny at all at first. The idea was that Marvel decided to show off the classic comic book cowl at the expo, and we got our first look at Hugh Jackman’s pending mask, wearing the gold version of the costume for the first time. Before I get into the replies, I thought this looked pretty good.
After all, yes, this is AI. But even in a time when things like this happen so often, this one was especially shocking. We’re getting to the point where we really have to look at things under a microscope to find clues, and while we know we need to, until a bunch of people band together to investigate, the obvious I couldn’t see any signs. corner them.
Pointy nose shadow doesn’t match the actual nose, etc.:
Patterns that are off center on the forehead:
Some of the signs that seem nonsense in the background:
But still, this is…something else. And some of these are moving into “I can’t believe my lying eyes” territory. There’s still a lot of trashy, easy-to-spot AI work out there, but it’s evolving so quickly that I’m worried about what will be able to be faked. Sure, this is just a comic book helmet, but given that image generators like Midjourney v1 were released in his February 2022 and by February 2024, this This is the question we are now considering. Or, if you’re in Silicon Valley, you think it’s “super cool,” but you can see how this is evolving too fast.
Again, everyone is working with a lot of AI in different forms: text, music, video, images, etc. But something about this AI in particular really struck me and gave me pause when I realized it was fake. I like to think I’m smart and educated about AI identification, but I have to admit that technology is expanding faster than my brain can keep up with it at the moment.
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