The era of Generative AI has transformed our relationship with technology from simply using tools to collaborating with intelligent partners, but it’s clear we’re starting too late. Despite AI’s potential to transform the way organizations work, adoption and implementation are slow, perhaps due to misplaced fear among employees. Big promises made technology scary. And things get even worse when the AI sounds like Einstein has invaded your office. The reality is more like having a multi-skilled workforce on hand to do exactly what you need to do, quickly and at scale.
The best way to open up a world of possibilities to all of us is to just start. However, breaking through that membrane, Just getting started It’s huge. Our research shows that small first steps can lead to big changes. Allison Sadler, director of learning and development for USAA Insurance and Sales, said: “One of the simplest steps is to educate people about how AI will impact their roles. Specifically, AI will enhance and extend human reach and replace the mundane tasks performed today. Rather than reasoning tasks, we provide insights and aggregation that enable teams to leverage their highest levels of cognitive ability.”In other words, you can learn how to reinvent the way you work, little by little, and that’s exactly what I did today. that we are making possible. At Google, we use Google Workspace to conduct research on how AI impacts teams on a daily basis. Here’s what we know so far:
“AI in everyday life”
Everyone is talking about what is possible with AI, and AI excites and excites people. But if you look at which experts within your company are actually using generative AI on most days, their usage is minimal. Our research shows that the sales department is the best place to combine AI with the broadest adoption for immediate improvement. Organizations are often places where there are many experts who can use AI to customize connections or upgrade outgoing emails on the fly. It’s the simplest idea. Simply ask your sales reps to research, analyze the context of past emails, and leverage AI to generate something that is higher-order thought leadership, more intimate, faster, and at higher volumes. We are currently testing this approach in a number of organizations. Her Aparna Pappu, Vice President and General Manager of Google Workspace, said: “Generative AI is being used in countless ways at work: catching up on vacations, writing in the right style for your audience, creating engaging content, and more. . Our work has become much easier. This frees up valuable time for our employees and increases the efficiency of our business. No problem is too small to be solved by AI.”
Today’s biggest challenge is learning
Mark Reiter, Boeing’s chief digital strategy officer, recently told me that there is a temptation to use generative AI like a search engine, even though the potential is far greater. . “The difference with generative AI is about creative content as a partner for creative thinking. Artificial intelligence is a mirror of real intelligence on the outside,” Mark says. However, there is wide variation in how people use it, and often the first instinct is to treat it like a search engine. We need to teach them to have dynamic, iterative, in-depth conversations, and that’s a skill. ” So the challenge today is recruiting, learning, and developing. How do you teach and coach people on how to use tools? The answer is to break through the membrane of doubt and uncertainty. Take the first, easiest and most valuable step. Let’s begin. These are more than just tools. They are collaborators who will help you learn.
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