The Rutgers study is the first to model the impact of 5G radiation “leakage” on forecasts.
The arrival of 5G wireless networks, which provide faster cellular service, could make weather forecasts less accurate. According to a study from Rutgers University A controversial issue that is causing anxiety among meteorologists.
“Our study is the first to quantify the impact of 5G on weather forecast error and suggests that it will have an impact on the accuracy of weather forecasts.” The senior author stated: Narayan B. MandayamDistinguished Professor at the Wireless Information Network Research Institute (WinLab)teeth, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Faculty of Engineering in Rutgers University New Brunswick.
Peer-reviewed research Published this month 2020 IEEE 5G World ForumSponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the fifth generation of cellular wireless technology (5G) is born from new, smarter ways of using higher frequencies (mmWave) for mobile communications. This technology will revolutionize internet and telecommunications. It will reduce connection times, increase the number of devices that can connect to the network, and become more widely available in the next 2-3 years. According to IEEE.
A Rutgers University study used computer models to explore how 5G “leakage” – unintentional radiation from a transmitter into adjacent frequency bands or channels – affects predictions of lethal damage. 2008 Super Tuesday Tornadoes in the South and Midwest.
Signals from 5G frequency bands Potentially The leaks into the bands used by satellite weather sensors that measure the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere, influencing weather forecasts and predictions. Meteorologists rely on satellites for the data they need to make weather predictions.
Based on the modeling, 5G leakage power of -15 to -20 decibel watts (decibel watts is a unit of power that measures radio wave strength) affected the accuracy of predicted precipitation amounts (up to 0.9 millimeters) and near-ground temperatures (up to 2.34 degrees Fahrenheit) during tornado outbreaks.
“You could argue that the magnitude of the errors found in our study are insignificant or significant depending on whether you’re representing the 5G community or the meteorology community, respectively,” Mandayam said. “One of our conclusions is that if we want to keep leakage to the levels the 5G community desires, we need to work on more detailed models, antenna technologies, dynamic reallocation of spectrum resources, and improved weather forecasting algorithms that can take 5G leakage into account.”
Lead author is Mohammad Yousefvand, a doctoral student in electrical engineering at Rutgers University. Co-authors include Prof. Cheongtse Michael Wu of Department of Electrical and Computer EngineeringProfessor Roger Wang Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Joseph BrodyDirector of Atmospheric Research Rutgers Center for Ocean Observation Leadership.